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  • Phenomenology of Knowledge Work (En) Researchs and reflection to specify the various aspects and components of knowledge work
  • Knowledge Economy and Innovations - defining, measurement and future.
    Thinkings about Discussion of dgCommunities Forum 'Defining the Knowledge Economy' and Knowledge Assessment Methodology by Knowledge for Development Program of WBI

    1. Link for the Knowledge Economy dgCommunity

    2. Link for paper about Knowledge Assessment Methodology

    Introduction in the topic.

    From 2007th the Knowledge Economy (KE) Community of Development Gateway had begun this discussion that was inspired Ian Brinkley, the Program Director of the Work Foundation (early, the Industrial Society). The brief format of the Forum build the limits for full opinions for this complex problem. Because, the author of the comment and this offers had told his brief thoughts by the Forum, here is present additional content for professional discourse.
    Basic incentivizing materials for formulation of our conclusions were got from wide and profound methodology (KAM) of WBI, where author (A.B.) has found powerful and weak details both. For an useful definition, let's mention such set of significant social and economic phenomena.
    The modish noiseword flow about KE is a sign of anxiety on visible changes of tendences of economic transformatons (perturbations).
    You could ask "Why perturbation?"
    Let's remember that today in many branches of economy over 40-80% of production is created by knowledge workers.
    Let's note that mass of customers searches and wishes to enjoy non-thing (highvalue) services today.
    Because 1) USA have economic crisis, his part of significant world patents have a quick regress, 2) Korea has constant reduction of investment in industry and has profit rise, 3) our world has fast transforming into a communicative and social environment with super-complexity and with hi-fi informational possibilities.

    So, Knowledge Economy is new tendency in transformation of world economy into following main areas:
    - professional education,
    - innovative reforms of industries,
    - net-based and chip-based infrastructure of socium, economy and industries ,
    - active social institutes and active governance of development,
    - monitoring of safety of groups, communities, human society and Earth.

    Yes, of course, my first defining is similar the basis of Knowledge Assessment Methodology (KAM) and her four pillars of KE.
    But, at-first, I marked five 'pillars' here , and at-second, I gave the additional components for four pillars.
    And the following remark, there is often-repeating form in all discourses about Knowledge Economy.

    A Knowledge Economy (KE) is one that utilizes knowledge as the key engine of economic growth. It is an economy where knowledge is acquired, created, disseminated and used effectively to enhance economic development.

    in the past, we had named 'capital=money' as key engine of economic growth.
    We spoke 'Capital had bought labor (+equipment), real estate and ground for additional cost income'.

    Note about KAM. Why only primary Cobb-Douglas specification with two elements (labor, capital) use in KAM (see, for example, Annex 2 of the cit. report)?

    Three and more elements (knowledge, labor and some social characteristic) should be united in the Economy with new significant key.

    If in KAM-estimations only two old keys are using, new crying definition are new noise words.
    And finally.
    However, we could ask 'What and why we might buy in KE in-barter for new economic key (Knowledge)?'
    If we can give answer for this question, we could thought about new Economy.
    My idea of holistic theoretical understanding for new vision of past, present-day and future economic processes:

    the some key elements is buy some expectations in all kinds of economies .

    © A.Borzykh. 2008.
    Preprint version. First e-publishing at 13 March 2008.

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    This page was open at 13 March 2008. Last Updated: 2008, March

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